Parks Master Plan
The purpose of the Town of Creston Parks Master Plan (TCPMP) is to identify the strategic priorities that define the future direction, philosophy, policies, and actions for the provision of municipal parks.
The TCPMP will include a detailed asset inventory, needs analysis, recommendations for future amenities and land acquisition, maintenance recommendations, prioritization and costing of key projects, trend identification, accessibility recommendations, reconciliation opportunities, and consideration of climate change.
The TCPMP is guided by several Town documents such as the Official Community Plan (OCP), Integrated Community Sustainability Plan (ICSP), Trails Master Plan, and other town initiatives.
The purpose of the Town of Creston Parks Master Plan (TCPMP) is to identify the strategic priorities that define the future direction, philosophy, policies, and actions for the provision of municipal parks.
The TCPMP will include a detailed asset inventory, needs analysis, recommendations for future amenities and land acquisition, maintenance recommendations, prioritization and costing of key projects, trend identification, accessibility recommendations, reconciliation opportunities, and consideration of climate change.
The TCPMP is guided by several Town documents such as the Official Community Plan (OCP), Integrated Community Sustainability Plan (ICSP), Trails Master Plan, and other town initiatives.
Draft Parks Master Plan Now Available!
Share Draft Parks Master Plan Now Available! on Facebook Share Draft Parks Master Plan Now Available! on Twitter Share Draft Parks Master Plan Now Available! on Linkedin Email Draft Parks Master Plan Now Available! linkThe Draft Parks Master Plan is now available! A presentation of the Plan is also available. You can also review the What We Heard Report which summarizes feedback from the community throughout the Project.
Please, let us know your thoughts through a simple survey. The survey will be open until Monday, March 31st.
Want to hear from the consultants in person? They’ll be presenting to Council at 4:00 PM on March 25th in Council Chambers at Town Hall—everyone’s welcome!
Let’s shape the future of Creston’s parks together!
Upcoming DRAFT Parks Master Plan and Presentation - March 25th, 2025
Share Upcoming DRAFT Parks Master Plan and Presentation - March 25th, 2025 on Facebook Share Upcoming DRAFT Parks Master Plan and Presentation - March 25th, 2025 on Twitter Share Upcoming DRAFT Parks Master Plan and Presentation - March 25th, 2025 on Linkedin Email Upcoming DRAFT Parks Master Plan and Presentation - March 25th, 2025 linkJoin us on March 25th on this project page for a Virtual Open House as we unveil the DRAFT Parks Master Plan!
The session is pre-recorded, so you can watch at your convenience. At the end, there will be a survey, and we’d love to hear your thoughts!
Want to hear from the consultants in person? They’ll be presenting to Council at 4:00 PM on March 25th in Council Chambers at Town Hall—everyone’s welcome!
Let’s shape the future of Creston’s parks together!
Early Directions Survey and pop-up Engagement - Until September 13, 2024
Share Early Directions Survey and pop-up Engagement - Until September 13, 2024 on Facebook Share Early Directions Survey and pop-up Engagement - Until September 13, 2024 on Twitter Share Early Directions Survey and pop-up Engagement - Until September 13, 2024 on Linkedin Email Early Directions Survey and pop-up Engagement - Until September 13, 2024 linkOver the next few weeks (until September 13, 2024), staff will be organizing a few pop-up in-person engagement events around Town on the Parks Master Plan Early Directions.
The purpose of the early directions is to check-in with the community on what we’ve heard, gauge levels of support for different ideas, and help us “course correct” in any given direction, before developing the draft Parks Master Plan.
Ideas Fair - June 6
Share Ideas Fair - June 6 on Facebook Share Ideas Fair - June 6 on Twitter Share Ideas Fair - June 6 on Linkedin Email Ideas Fair - June 6 linkJoin us for a drop-in, in-person Ideas Fair on June 6th from 4:00 - 6:00 PM in the Kootenay Room at the Creston District Community Complex. Come share your ideas with the Project Team and help us better understand issues and opportunities, ideas for municipal parks, and values for Creston Parks. The feedback collected through the Ideas Fair will help inform Early Directions for the TCPMP.
Town of Creston Open House - May 16
Share Town of Creston Open House - May 16 on Facebook Share Town of Creston Open House - May 16 on Twitter Share Town of Creston Open House - May 16 on Linkedin Email Town of Creston Open House - May 16 linkThe Town of Creston will be hosting an Open House on Thursday, May 16, 2024, from 3:00 - 7:00pm at the Creston & District Community Complex - Creston Room. Get ready to mingle with every department from the Town, as they showcase what they do best. Chat with managers and staff, and learn the ins and outs of what we do! The Parks Master Plan is a key project!
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Who's Listening
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Phone 250-428-2214 Email
Background Analysis - Project Team
Parks Master Plan has finished this stageFebruary / March / April
Technical analysis of existing conditions to identify challenges and opportunities and outline a policy framework to inform the project. Outcomes will inform the content of the Ideas Fair, Pop Ups, and online discussions.
Open House - Public Consultation
Parks Master Plan has finished this stageMay
Introduce the Parks Master Plan project to the general public on May 16th at the Town-wide Open House.
Workshop and Interviews - Stakeholders
Parks Master Plan has finished this stageJune
An intensive workshop will be used to refine values, issues, and opportunities. Targeted interviews will then be used to fill any information gaps. From there, a set of key elements and scenarios will be developed for use at the Public Gallery.
Ideas Fair and Survey - Public
Parks Master Plan has finished this stageJune
An interactive consultation event to harvest public feedback and generate high-level directions and early directions for the future of Creston Parks.
Pop-ups and Online Discussion - Public
Parks Master Plan has finished this stageJune / July
An intensive workshop will be used to refine values, issues, and opportunities. Targeted interviews will then be used to fill any information gaps. From there, a set of key elements and scenarios will be developed for use at the Public Gallery.
Public Gallery and Survey - Public
Parks Master Plan has finished this stageAugust / September
A second public event and corresponding online survey will allow residents to share feedback and comment on the directions generated from the workshop and Ideas Fair. The Project Team will then synthesize the public input and begin to develop a draft Plan.
Open House (Draft Plan) - Public
Parks Master Plan is currently at this stageMarch/April 2025
The draft Parks Master Plan will be presented for public comment at an online Open House and corresponding online engagement. A final draft will then be iteratively refined with staff.
Council Presentation
this is an upcoming stage for Parks Master PlanApril 2025
In April, the final plan will go to Council for adoption.