Town of Creston Multi-Modal Transportation Plan

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Consultation has concluded

The Creston Multi-Modal Transportation Plan is now mobile!

The Town of Creston’s first Multi-Modal Transportation Plan was endorsed and adopted by Council on August 23, 2022. A summary of the plan can be read HERE.

The Plan identifies how active transportation can play a multifaceted role in achieving Creston’s broader strategic priorities including a healthy, livable, and diverse community and enhancing partnerships across the Creston Valley all while reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The Plan reflects the community’s vision for the future of all forms of transportation in Creston, as captured through two rounds of engagement involving public surveys, stakeholder workshops and interviews. We appreciate your involvement and feedback!

About the Project

The Town of Creston is dedicated to evolving our transportation network. During our Official Community Plan outreach and other recent planning, the community expressed some clear goals for what our transportation network might look like and what that would mean for Creston.

We know that safety, accessibility, and ease all matter. So does maintaining and developing our transportation network in ways that are more socially, financially, and environmentally sustainable.

To that end, we started working on the Multi-Modal Transportation Plan (MMTP) in the Fall of 2021. Transportation planning offers us a unique opportunity to improve local quality of life, cultivate Creston’s small town character, contribute to our economic prosperity, and reduce our greenhouse gas emissions.

We collaborated with community members and partners to identify quick wins and priority actions that could be considered in the shorter term. We also mapped a longer-term vision for our transportation network to support the Town’s sustainability and success into the future.

Our hope was to better understand how you experience getting to, from, and around Town – whether by walking, rolling, cycling, transit, or vehicle. We worked with the community to develop “made in Creston” solutions for enhancing that experience. Parking and goods movement were also other topics explored.

The Creston Multi-Modal Transportation Plan is now mobile!

The Town of Creston’s first Multi-Modal Transportation Plan was endorsed and adopted by Council on August 23, 2022. A summary of the plan can be read HERE.

The Plan identifies how active transportation can play a multifaceted role in achieving Creston’s broader strategic priorities including a healthy, livable, and diverse community and enhancing partnerships across the Creston Valley all while reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The Plan reflects the community’s vision for the future of all forms of transportation in Creston, as captured through two rounds of engagement involving public surveys, stakeholder workshops and interviews. We appreciate your involvement and feedback!

About the Project

The Town of Creston is dedicated to evolving our transportation network. During our Official Community Plan outreach and other recent planning, the community expressed some clear goals for what our transportation network might look like and what that would mean for Creston.

We know that safety, accessibility, and ease all matter. So does maintaining and developing our transportation network in ways that are more socially, financially, and environmentally sustainable.

To that end, we started working on the Multi-Modal Transportation Plan (MMTP) in the Fall of 2021. Transportation planning offers us a unique opportunity to improve local quality of life, cultivate Creston’s small town character, contribute to our economic prosperity, and reduce our greenhouse gas emissions.

We collaborated with community members and partners to identify quick wins and priority actions that could be considered in the shorter term. We also mapped a longer-term vision for our transportation network to support the Town’s sustainability and success into the future.

Our hope was to better understand how you experience getting to, from, and around Town – whether by walking, rolling, cycling, transit, or vehicle. We worked with the community to develop “made in Creston” solutions for enhancing that experience. Parking and goods movement were also other topics explored.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We Want to Hear from You!

    The Town of Creston is developing a new Multi-Modal Transportation Plan (MMTP) and we want your ideas for enhancing connectivity and mobility!

    Complete this survey to help us better understand how you currently experience getting to, from, and around Town – whether by walking, rolling, cycling, public transit, or vehicle. We also want to hear about opportunities for enhancing that experience. The feedback collected through this survey will help inform the key priorities in the MMTP.

    Visit for additional project information and ways to participate.

    About the Survey

    The survey should take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. All responses will be kept confidential and anonymous. The survey will be open until SundayOctober 17. Thank you for your time and participation! Let's get started.

    The Town of Creston is collecting information necessary for the purposes of planning or evaluating a program or activity of a public body in accordance with Section 26(e) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA). Information collected within this survey, including copies of any associated documentation submitted as part of this survey, may be disclosed to the public in accordance with FOIPPA. If you have any questions about the collection and use of information, please contact the Town’s Corporate Officer at 250-428-2214, ext. 210.

    Consultation has concluded
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