Council Gives 1st Reading to New Zoning Bylaw

At the April 19th Committee of the Whole Council reviewed the new Zoning Bylaw. At this meeting Council directed that staff present the new bylaw for 1st reading at an upcoming Regular Council Meeting. At the April 26th Regular Council Meeting Zoning Bylaw No. 1958 was given 1st reading.

The next steps will be 2nd reading, 3rd reading and a public hearing, and adoption. Check out the project timeline for exact dates.

1st, 2nd, and 3rd “readings” mean:

  • 1st - tabling or introduction
  • 2nd - discussion in principle and on the content of the bylaw
  • 3rd - final discussion, including any changes made along the way

A local government bylaw must receive three readings before it can proceed to final adoption. This process allows elected officials to provide input into the bylaw and make necessary changes before it is adopted.

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