Project Update - March 16, 2022
The construction of the new Creston Emergency Services Building is continuing on the inside and has reached a number of significant milestones. With all the rooms and spaces framed and drywall installed, the building is taking shape inside to house the fire department and ambulance paramedics.
While much of the mechanical and electrical systems are nearing completion, there will be a delay in completing these two systems. With supply chains disrupted and increased construction demand, the project will need to wait until June for the main electrical distribution panel and into July for the main HVAC unit. This will delay the completion of the building until at least August.
With this unanticipated delay for mechanical and electrical to be completed, the remainder of the building will continue to move forward. Floor and painting will begin by the end of March. The completion of doors and windows will take place in April. Exterior painting of the building will take place as the weather warms as well as the start of landscaping.
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